East Bay Hikes

Natural Stairs

Many of the streams have gone dry in Briones. This dry waterway has created a nice walkway that has some resemblance to a natural staircase. These types of settings can be found throughout the park.

Briones Regional Park

Briones Regional Park is located in Martinez with small areas pushing into Lafayette and Walnut Creek. The park offers a great array of trails and spectacular views, especially if you choose to hike in the upper areas.


Remnants from the Fire

In 2015 a fire burnt many acres around Mount Diablo. Most of the fire was limited to the North Eastern areas but the fire was able to crest the hill before being contained. In this featured image we can see the burnt area near the top of the hill. Upon close inspection we can see that trees have begun to repopulate it even though we are dealing with drought conditions.


Cows Grazing

Here we can see some cows grazing on private land abutting Castle Rock park.

Bordering Areas

Castle Rock park has two neighbors to the north, Mount Diablo state park and grazing land for a private ranch. This featured image is a sign warning visitors that the land beyond is part of the private grazing lands.
