East Bay Hikes

Broken Limb

As Califonia has been in a serious drought for the last five years many trees can be found dying throughout the park. Many of these weakened trees have split or broken limbs.

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Many Oaks

Castle Rock is home to many species of tree but the most prolific are the Oaks. Their twisting branches and multi lobed leaves make Oak trees fairly easy to identify.



Many of Castle Rocks formations are composed of the easily worn sandstone. This semi soft rock weathers in very interesting colors and patterns.


Castle Rock Park

Castle Rock Park sits at the base of Mount Diablo on the West side. The park is composed of many small valleys surrounded by fantastic ridges and rock formations. The featured image seen here shows the major rock formations in the park of which Castle Rock is one. I call them the bones of the hills. The video below shows a 180 degree view of Castle Rock park from one of the western most ridges.

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Large Park in the City

Lime Ridge Open Space is surrounded by the City of Concord. Many parks in the East Bay are in the middle of cities but Lime Ridge is one of the few that allows you to see Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Martinez, a portion of Alamo and on clear days even parts of Benicia,  California from the same vantage point.

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