East Bay Hikes

Large Park in the City

Lime Ridge Open Space is surrounded by the City of Concord. Many parks in the East Bay are in the middle of cities but Lime Ridge is one of the few that allows you to see Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Martinez, a portion of Alamo and on clear days even parts of Benicia,  California from the same vantage point.

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Reptiles can be found living around the parks and trails of the East Bay. Lizards are some of the most fun to photograph since they often stand still and cannot harm you if they get angry unlike the snakes I occasionally run across.

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Eucalyptus Trees

There are many species of trees spread out through the parks and trails of the East Bay. One of the more interesting species that grows in Lime Ridge Open Space is the Eucalyptus tree. Their bark peels off in strips leaving interesting patterns of dark and light.

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There are many types of insects to be found around East Bay trails. Dragonflys are some of my favorite to photograph when they cooperate.

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Lime Ridge Open Space – Concord CA

There are many entrances to Lime Ridge Open Space in Concord. This is the first entrance to the park that I used over twenty years ago. It is also the entrance I used for my hike today.

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