East Bay Hikes

Remnants from the Fire

In 2015 a fire burnt many acres around Mount Diablo. Most of the fire was limited to the North Eastern areas but the fire was able to crest the hill before being contained. In this featured image we can see the burnt area near the top of the hill. Upon close inspection we can see that trees have begun to repopulate it even though we are dealing with drought conditions.


Many Oaks

Castle Rock is home to many species of tree but the most prolific are the Oaks. Their twisting branches and multi lobed leaves make Oak trees fairly easy to identify.


Large Park in the City

Lime Ridge Open Space is surrounded by the City of Concord. Many parks in the East Bay are in the middle of cities but Lime Ridge is one of the few that allows you to see Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Martinez, a portion of Alamo and on clear days even parts of Benicia,  California from the same vantage point.

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